In this project EPI CENTAR International was contracted by PREDA Plus. The purpose of this assignment was development of high-quality professional analysis of current conditions related to the legal and social framework affecting opportunities, in particular to inclusion of CSOs in decision-making processes in Macedonia, along with a critical review of past and current efforts to advance the related interests of CSOs and their respective target groups.
The overall objectives of the project were to create an environment for active participation of CSO’s to influence policy and decision-making processes throughout advocacy and networking; CSO’s and grass-root CSO’s are capacitated to manage funds and act as effective and accountable independent actors.
The specific objectives of the study was: to assess the Legal/institutional framework and current capacities of the civil sector in Macedonia; to propose capacity building areas of intervention (training and mentoring); to identify at least 3 key areas and topics of outmost urgency in which CSOs will be supported; to define at least 4 indicators of the success of the project impact for the Monitoring Report; to define at least 3 advocacy targets for the CSO in empowerment of their position.