CARE International Balkans contracted EPI CENTAR to develop a baseline study in the target Municipalities. The purpose of the baseline assessment was to generate comprehensive baseline information on the following details:
Information on socio-economic situation of potential target groups
Economic development (ED) potential and related constraints in terms of capabilities, skills, etc., including particular analysis of the potentials and constraints of economic inclusion of women and socio economic vulnerable groups in ED activities in the target Municipalities.
Mapping of stakeholders involved in agricultural production, including mapping of existing capacities and gaps among rural women and vulnerable groups and assessment of their potential to get involved in agricultural value chains.
Mapping of stakeholders in charge of creation/implementation of local policies regulating the field of agricultural production and their particular interests in the target areas.
Assessment of social and power relations and interrelations among the mapped stakeholders, including the assessment of existing access and user rights, potential conflicting interests, possible barriers and obstacles for participation in the project.
Analysis of the current practice/involvement of gender equality and social inclusion principles in activities of authorities, civil society and other stakeholders that will be reviewed within the baseline survey and identification of possible allies for gender/social inclusion mainstreaming within economic development project activities and processes.