Assessment of the food retail supply and food processing value chain in the western Balkan countries
Project Description
EPI CENTAR International was contracted by IFC, VOCA to provide support to:
develop the methodology for the implementation of the field assesment;
coordinate the work of the country experts;
conduct an in-depth assessment of the major WBC retailers and processors and their value chains in order to identify the value chain structures, economic scale, efficiency, access to finance and competitive positions on WBC and European markets.
conduct an analysis of the key value chain stakeholders /players (by value captured) in the retail/food processors sector, in ordfer to identify major market failures and bottlenecks for sustainable development as well as to determine key leverage points and their potential to promote wide changes in this industrial sector:
support the process of report development;
coordinate the work with IFC representatives
coordinate the work with the agribusinessess
The study focused on the food retail and food processing value chains in 3 subsectors: